Having tried with a limited amount of success to get BBC and ITV using a proxy server in the UK, we've decided to go the satellite way. Should be fun trying to figure out what services are available without resorting to a 2.4 meter dish (€1,500 can you believe?) and SKY TV. Our neighbour tells us they had BBC Prime until they started charging for it. Tomorrow morning we go knocking on satellite dealers doors trying to get the best deal, plus filling up with heating oil for the freeze we've been promised over the next week or so - snow in Athens, for God's sake and near freezing temperatures here. Not content with looking at the snow on the mainland mountains, we're possibly going to get some of our own - help! After 7 years in China, one year in Hong Kong snow is as foreign to us as China was when we first arrived there. Mind you, that was Beijing and -15C and plenty of snow, but after one year we went south to Canton to some heat and humidity (100% plus some).
Anyway, we're loving living in a house that doesn't have white fungus growing through the paint in the bedroom and no back up of stench from the septic tank, plus water that was corroding our stainless steel cutlery and made our glasses go a milky white - and we were washing in this stuff - we actually thought that was how people had to live here - worse than living a country environment in China - and that's saying something. BUT, here we are in the lap of luxury looking over the sea from our front windows with now clean cutlery and milky-scum-free glasses!
I must say that some of the people who read this blog have made some lovely comments about my photographs, so here's a chance to say thanks and that I hope to create a calendar for 2012 containing some of them - sometime before the summer starts proper. Another little project to keep me busy.